Thursday, December 17, 2009

Abominations thy name is . . .

Hey everyone~

Darn tight spaces and not being able to take proper pictures of my scary locker. Oh, wait, it's not scary enough for you?

IT'S WORSE NOW. I swear, this was 5 days ago, when it was slightly better. Now it's an ABOMINATION.

And I must have been so bothered by the craziness protruding out that I took a blurry picture.

The last few days have been a nightmare. I managed to finish my term garment for flat pattern, but it wasn't so good. Let me just tell you that lack of sleep + being sick NEVER WORKS. It just doesn't . . .

Coughing up mucus (ew, that word) and finding blood there twice also isn't pleasant. I believe I should get that checked.

I have one more term garment and it's going to be the most time consuming. I'm no fortune teller but I can predict what my weekend is going to look like . . . and I want this to be really good because, well, we finally have creativity and fabric other than muslin so why not?

My friend Cristina left to go to Peru last week. I managed to make her one of those cute critter pin cushion things (different version though). She loved it, therefore mission accomplished!! And then she gave me some chocolate she had from Peru! I got excited so I took pictures.

The inside (which I forgot to snap because I was too involved if you will) was a caramel dulce de leche with whole pecans!! It completed my whole evening that day . . .

OH! WAIT, but a few days before the chocolate, SOMETHING ALSO COMPLETED ME. I went to go see the Chorus Line with my friend at my high school LaGuardia Arts, and as we were leaving, I had a double take moment. And well, it's understandable, since GRACE CODDINGTON WAS STANDING AMIDST THE LEAVING CROWD. And when the creative director of Vogue is just randomly at your old high school, YOU SAY HI.

And take pictures of course.
I became a random woodland creature because I looked like a weirdo that day and I do not wish to reveal too much. But Grace (or Ms. Coddington) was really nice! Even though I spazzed and paused a lot and was a complete weirdo, she struck conversation with me and fixed her hair for the photo.


Well, that seems to be all for now. I think it's high time I got to sleep . . . so off to bed I go!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, you went to Chorus Line and I didn't see you? What day did you go?
