Thursday, January 21, 2010

Little Miss Crafty

My break started December 21st and is ending February 1st. Yes, my friends have already thrown rocks at me and run over me with scooters.

And took my juice box.

And animal crackers.

B-b-but I have emerged stronger!

And craftier!

So I will show you some of the little trinkets I have been making in my own sweatshop room.

A hair tie I made for a friend. A heart and a pom pom! This fabric I actually got from a skirt my friend didn't want.

This one I happened to make for myself. This one is an elephant and a pom pom!

This was just a corsage I made. I was originally going to give it to my mom's acquaintance but decided the brown may not have been the best choice, so I still have it.

This one took a while because the fabric I used was pretty thick. But it's worth it because it's really fuzzy! This one is hanging on my bag right now.

A cellphone charm I made for a friend (except I have yet to see her so hopefully she won't see this beforehand). This made me realize I need another pair of pliers because only having one means I have to hold the wire still with my actual hand, and it hurts. This one is made with buttons, chain I got at Toho Shouji, beads I got in random places, and a flower I crocheted. Oh, and head pins and jump rings from Toho too. I really need to go to a bead show again, because I'm dying to buy some more clasps and earring hooks.

This is a barette (hair clip) I made my mother for Christmas! She likes blue and wears blue often, so what better than blue flowers and white pearls? The pearls I got from my last bead show. They work well with thread because the hole is really small.

I believe that may be all for now. I have some unfinished projects, but those will be put up in due time.

Hope you guys enjoyed looking. Tell me what you think! ^^


  1. i can't sew. :(

    those look really nice! :)

  2. Thank you Cheesemints! And don't worry, sewing becomes easy after a while. Sewing cotton is the best because you can see the straight grain!

  3. I LOVE THESE! The crocheted flowers are totally my style.

    Enjoy the rest of your long break!

  4. Thank you! I started going flower crazy after learning how to crochet them. They make the cutest accessories.

  5. I love these. T_T I can't sew, knit, or crochet...; I've been meaning to learn how to knit, so I can try making a scarf for a friend, but yeah... the videos on youtube just confuse me. x.x; need a friend to show me.

    <3 Aya's so fashionable and cute.

  6. Aha! I can show you~ We can have a knitting circle in the near future. =D

    Sankyuuu >3<

  7. Yo. You need to get an etsy account and sell some of your crafts!
