Well, there are several things you can't put me in the same room as. Some things start or end with the word "chocolate" (or it could be the word itself!) Other things include Food Network stars or bands.
But clearly, you can't put me in the same room as a single sharpie and a paper bag from a certain warehouse sale, because I will be inclined to draw hands and other worldly things.
I usually try to draw realistically, but this time I just decided everything should be mangled. And my sea creatures should be angry. And my tomato should not really look like a tomato.
Speaking of that warehouse sale, basically what went down:
I waited early to go in, and took no time at all to get in. But once in, there were just women EVERYWHERE. Clothes were on the floor (oh no, my brands!) and women were trying on all sorts of shoes.
I saw those gold Givenchy boots
I posted about before (yeah, dream shoes right THERE) but they were still pricey. So watch me check in around September to see if it's still there (no one seemed interested when I was there).
I left with a pair of pants (will pop up in the blog in the future).
But now that we're on the topic of fashion, let me show you what I found recently.
Lately I've been into two things:
1. The combination of black and brown.
Years ago, I thought it was taboo because of that one episode of Will and Grace where Jack says it's basically terrible if you wear black shoes with a brown belt (and gay men are almost always right). But now I really like buying pieces that mix the two colors together.
2. Beaded
I don't know what it is, but I'm so into beaded embellishments all of a sudden. During the warehouse sale, I kept staring at the really expensive designer clothing and looking at the bead work. Also, lots of vintage has beading.
Hence why this jacket I found at Beacon's Closet is like, WOAH. I also like velvet jackets so it was like win. However, I felt broke and it felt big, so I felt unsure and I didn't buy it.
Now, a recent outfit.
And a face shot (Look! I can smile!)
-Long wig
-Urban Outfitters printed shirt
-Uniqlo yellow shorts
-Urban Outfitters lace leggings
-Booties found at Buffalo Exchange
-Bag found at Daffy's
I wore that to karaoke with my friends I haven't seen in a while. Here's the lunch I ordered there!
I love salmon!
Maybe a week or so ago, I went to the new Crumbs bakeshop in the financial district and picked up some cupcakes. They have a promotion special going on until Sept. 5th that on weekends, you can buy one cupcake and get the second free (coupon
The chocolate covered strawberry wasn't as good as that coconut one right next to it. Chocolate and coconut just rock together!
Finally, I tried the ULTIMATE in waffles and food trucks,
Wafels and Dinges.
The first topping (dinges) is free, so I got the BEST SPREAD IN THE WORLD. It's called Spekuloos (as is on the menu, but when you search for it, it's actually spelled with a "c"). It's a sort of cookie spread, but it was such a "Move over Nutella!" moment.
I recommend them if you find their truck somewhere because although a tiny bit pricey for waffles, it's delicious and the guys are super nice!
So this post was nice in that it summed me as a person: fashion, art/sketches, food. Now to go and walk around Manhattan for no reason! See you guys later!