Well, here were the highlights of things I did recently that I did not write about:
I'd say I missed the first few minutes because I got there a little late, but loved the rest of it. And yeah, I did cry. And oh yeah, watched it with my friend and totally going to go watch it again by myself to cry . . . by myself (I know myself too well freaky I know)
And how many times did I say myself in that one sentence?
2. Started watching Beautiful People. I know I know, old show, keep up with the times. But seriously, I JUST got into Sex and the City over the summer. There is no way it can get worse than that.
How did I get into BP? Well, sorta a secret, but sorta just by chance. I will say I'm on episode 5 or so and it's getting kinda boring already. Always the same scenario . . . I wish there was more substance. That, and I feel bad for Gideon because he's so never getting Sophie. I mean, the awkward nice guy never gets the girl! Although when your competition is Jackson Rathbone, I totally understand . . .
I think I'll keep watching it for kicks. And the creeper teacher that I knew had a thing for the sister the whole time. And Nick's father Julian . . . is kinda charming. Oh, and this line:
"I'd commit seppuku but my mother would absolutely lose it if I got the Burberry stained." I wish I could say that like, everyday.
3. Went to New York
Also saw some of my other friends along with some other cool people. I managed not to die of embarrassment from freaking out too much about press conferences for Japanese idols, and I did manage to have some fun because the producer of Soul Eater was super laid back. Oh, and I totally bumped into this adorable Japanese unit called Kokushoku Sumire TWICE by accident in the street way far away from the con which makes me question whether the places I visit are like tourist spots, but I was so blinded by their cuteness that I forgot that and I actually TALKED to them. Which means the shame game shall not be used on me today!
4. This is more of an agenda thing . . . my friends and I are planning to go see Vera Wang next Saturday in the East Hamptons. I don't think my aesthetic belongs in the Hamptons but I would love to see Vera Wang and her interview discusssion event. But that would also require me to travel and I am so wiped. So my going depends on a. my mood, and b. my lack of sleep, and c. if anyone can convince me enough to forget everything else and just go.
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